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Re: FWD: Debian Swirl ascii-art

On Jul 9, 10:41am, Arthur Korn wrote:
> And now with colour:

Hi. I prefer it to be colored like this:

    ,g$$P""       """Y$$.".
   ,$$P'              `$$$.
 ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:
 `d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$
  $$P      d$'     ,    $$P
  $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'      
  $$;      Y$b._   _,d$P'        _,           _,      ,'`.
  Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'         `$$'         `$$'     `.  ,'
  `$$b      "-.__               $$           $$        `'
   `Y$$b                        $$           $$         _,           _
    `Y$$.                 ,d$$$g$$  ,d$$$b.  $$,d$$$b.`$$' g$$$$$b.`$$,d$$b.
      `$$b.              ,$P'  `$$ ,$P' `Y$. $$$'  `$$ $$  "'   `$$ $$$' `$$
        `Y$$b.           $$'    $$ $$'   `$$ $$'    $$ $$  ,ggggg$$ $$'   $$
          `"Y$b._        $$     $$ $$ggggg$$ $$     $$ $$ ,$P"   $$ $$    $$
              `""""      $$    ,$$ $$.       $$    ,$P $$ $$'   ,$$ $$    $$
                         `$g. ,$$$ `$$._ _., $$ _,g$P' $$ `$b. ,$$$ $$    $$
                          `Y$$P'$$. `Y$$$$P',$$$$P"'  ,$$. `Y$$P'$$.$$.  ,$$.
Debian GNU/\s testing/unstable \n \l


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ---- <+48603240006> ---- http://www.coven.vmh.net/ |
< o o > | <coven@vmh.net> GPG/PGP: www.coven.vmh.net/personal/pgpkey.html |
 \ ^ /  |  *  Oh, I can't remember what your backup tape looked like.  *  |
  (")   |  *            Is this it here on the Bulk Eraser?            *  |

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