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Re: potato -> woody upgrade not smooth...

Em Thu, 5 Jul 2001 10:09:14 -0400
Theodore Tso <tytso@mit.edu> escreveu:

> I wanted to change things.  (There's no mention of dpkg-reconfigure in
> any of the obvious manual pages.  As far as I know, you simply have to
> be lucky and find it while investigating something completely
> unrelated, or be a mind reader.)
Well, I noticed that sometime ago and I've written a manual to apt that
has explanations about "how do I"-like things... "how do I search for
a package I want to install", use apt-cache search, etc... 

the only problem is it is in portuguese yet (I'm in the process of
translating it to english, if someone wants to take a look at it
and review it searching for errors and stuff it would be good)

but back to the apt x dselect problem, if we promisse you can easily
upgrade your system with "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"
(and we do it!) apt should honor this... why is apt not supporting
recommends and suggests yet?


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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