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On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Chad Miller wrote:

> What are we going to do about the LSB, which specifies RPM?  Ignore it?

If it were up to me: make sure alien's priority is "required" or higher,
and setup a mime-rule that automagically installs any rpm that's being fed
to it (if that's not already done).

No way that rpm replaces dpkg; dpkg is doing a far better job in defining
dependencies, which is IMHO the first and most important job of a package
management system. Plus, that would require us to recompile every program
in the archive, which is a lot of work.

wouter dot verhelst at advalvas in belgium

Try does not exist. Believe that you will do it, else you will fail.

       -- Luke Skywalker,
       in the trilogy "The Jedi Academy", Kevin J. Anderson

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