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Re: GCC 3.0 status?

Previously Eray Ozkural wrote:
> That was my point. About breaking the ABI, yes it may break the ABI
> but this is not a bad thing when every library is updated.

It is an extremely bad thing since it means we loose binary
compatability with both other Debian releases and all other Linux
distributions. That is not something I want happen with Debian.

What we need is:
* be sure that everything actually compiles with g++-3.0. The hppa
  porters are rapidly discovering that is not the case.
* talk with other distributions and see how they plan to transitition
* come up with a strategy that ensures we won't suddenly break
  binary compatibility in unexpected ways.

I already had a brief talk with a RH developer and they don't know
yet how they will deal with this and postponed it for now. As to
strategy: the only thing I can think of is bump the soname for all
C++ libraries. We may even want to do what libstdc++ does and encode
the ABI version in the soname.

At any rate, all three steps take time. Time which we don't have
considering we would like to freeze woody reasonably soon. 

However you can help by helping the hppa port fix packages that don't
compile with g++-3.0 already.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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