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Re: Packaging WM themes - question

> (4) Should they be packaged at all? Does packaging these themes actually
> provide any more functionality than downloading and unpacking a tar.gz
> (or whatever the format is) file in the appriate location?

Just out of interest, how does this differ from reference manuals?  I guess 
the advantage of packaging them is that (i) the user can simply apt-get them 
as with the rest of their software; (ii) the user doesn't need to know how to 
manually install themes(*); they just magically show up in the theme manager.

(*) not that it's difficult, but the debian way is more hands-free (as 



Ben Burton
benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
Public Key: finger bab@debian.org

Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself.
	- Oscar Wilde

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