Re: Bug#95975: mutt: doesn't use charset anymore
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Atterer <> writes:
Richard> While we're at it: How on earth can I get rid of those
Richard> Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Richard> messages? I use LC_CTYPE=de_DE.ISO-8859-1 to get Umlauts
Richard> etc in mutt. Unfortunately, this produces the above error
Richard> message with lots of X programs - especially annoying
Richard> when you use at(1); you always get a mail with the error
Richard> message.
Just use LC_CTYPE=de_DE. It'll work fine in mutt. (The problem is, if
I remember correctly, that X uses ISO8859-1, without the first dash.)
The mutt docs are not very compatible with Xlib.
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