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Re: A question about update-excuses (was Re: testing is broken)

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:14:23PM +0530, Ganesan Rajagopal wrote:
> ---
> * python2 2.0-6 (new) (optional) (low)
>     * Maintainer: Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>
>     * python2 uploaded 48 days ago, out of date by 38 days!
>     * out of date on m68k: python2-base, python2-dev, python2-tk, python2-xmlbase (from 2.0-4) (but m68k isn't keeping up, so ignoring this problem)
>     * there are up to date bins in m68k also
>     * valid candidate (will be installed unless it's dependent upon other buggy pkgs)
> ---
> However, there doesn't seem to be any real package called python2; instead
> python2-base provides python2. None of the other packages from the python2
> source seem to depend on "other buggy pkgs". There must be an easier way to
> figure to figure this out :-).

It's just plain difficult to figure out. The only ray of light at the moment
is the update_output.txt page. In python2's case, down towards the bottom,
it says:

	python2: m68k: idle-python2 python2-examples python2-regrtest

which means python2 wasn't included because it made some packages uninstallable
that are currently installable in testing; in this case it's idle-python2,
python2-examples and python2-regrtest on m68k.

Looking at the m68k Packages files for unstable, we see these packages
dependencies look like:

idle-python2 Depends: python2-tk (>= 2.0-6)
python2-examples Depends: python2-base (>= 2.0-6)
python2-regrtest Depends: python2-base (>= 2.0-6)

python2-tk and python2-base are out of date on m68k and can't meet those
dependencies though. Ain't arch: all package skew great? There's a similar
problem with perl.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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