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The util-linux reorganisation


I plan to do the following changes to util-linux in the next days:

- merge mount and bsdutils in util-linux
  All three packages are essential and I don't see a reason why they
  should be in separate binary packages.
  I think I need for the transition empty packages of mount and bsdutils
  (because they are currently essential). I've seen recently a package
  that removed itself in the postinst. Can someone give ma a pointer which
  package that was?

- I'll split the locales in a separate non-essential package. That reduces
  util-linux by 1.4 MB.

- What's the state of crypto in woody? I want to either add the crypto
  patch to util-linux or make a util-linux-crypto package.



Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

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