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Re: Tin 1.5.8 .debs available

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 07:10:49AM +0000, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Hello!
> tin t.5.8 is still Beta, isn't it?

For values of 'beta' that include extremely stable, yes.  I know 
different maintainers have different philosophies about whether or
not to include officially-marked betas in Debian; my feeling was that
1.5.8 is sufficiently stable to merit inclusion.  Furthermore, the
fact that it's released now under a BSD license means it can go into
main; 1.4.4 would still have to be in non-free.

My feeling is that the risk, which I percieve to be quite small, is
worth the benefit of being able to move it into main.  However, I'm 
sure the official maintainer, since he does seem to be active after 
all, will make the right decision as to what to include in the 

> The stable version 1.4.2 in debian is quite dated could you do an
> upload to the latest stable version 1.4.4?

If I don't hear from the maintainer in a while (say 3-4 weeks), I
suppose I could do an NMU; however, my main motivation for making 1.5.8
debs available is that that version is DFSG-free; 1.4.4 is not, so I
wasn't terribly motivated to work on it.  

I certainly don't want to step on the toes of an active maintainer; 
my impression that Paul was not active (garnered mostly by looking 
at tin's bug reports) was apparently erroneous, so unless he either 
explicitly tells me to go ahead, or I hear nothing from him for a long
time, I'm going to hold off for a bit.  I may go ahead and put some
1.4.4 .debs up on my page at people.d.o, and I'll announce here if I 
do so, but I don't want to be percieved as hijacking Paul's package.

> The debian-patch for 1.4.2
> (iirc the latest in debian) applies *cleanly* to 1.4.4' source, so
> upgrading shouldn't make much work. It even works great with pcre3 - I
> locally did this and use it since Sun, 10 Sep 2000, without problems
> (see my user-agent-header ;-)).

That should make it even easier for Paul. :)  I did have to do some 
more work to 1.5.8 to bring it up to compliance with current Policy;
actually, I more or less did a complete repackaging from scratch, using
Paul's 1.4 package as inspiration.  If all he needs to do is re-apply
the current debian diffs for 1.4.4, then I'm sure he'll get to it soon
enough.  In the meantime, if you can't wait, (and assuming Paul doesn't
beat me to it :) I'll send you mail when I get around to building .debs.


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