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Re: recent lintian test run results, not good

>>>>> "Sean" == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh@valinux.com> writes:

    Sean> lintian took 3 hours to run over the above list.  I have
    Sean> submitted bugs on some of the entries.

A large number of errors seem to come from hurd and hurd-dev.

Some of these aren't really errors, eg.

E: hurd: statically-linked-binary ./hurd/ext2fs.static

which must be static for the root file-system.

[826] [snoopy:bam] ~/tmp >grep hurd lintian_run-20010227 |wc --lines

[828] [snoopy:bam] ~/tmp >wc --lines lintian_run-20010227      
  10949 lintian_run-20010227

While this is only 2.5% of what is contained in lintian_run-20010227,
I suggest that problems due to hurd specific packages should not be
included until Hurd is going to be released in stable.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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