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Re: automating debconf

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 05:00:11PM +0100, Arthur Korn wrote:
> Craig Sanders schrieb:
> > > I'd do it with 'noninteractive' and copying config files around
> > > I think ...
> > 
> > the trouble with noninteractive is that it leaves me no control over
> > what happens. i can't afford to just ignore what debconf-enabled
> > packages will do to my systems, i need to be able to control it.
> Now consider this carefully please:
> If you youse debconf with the noninteractive frontend, you can
> _forget_about_debconf_. 

i have considered it.

it's a nice theory.  too bad it's not true in practice.

> I don't think that the pipe method can work reliable and give

you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

> You should concentrate your efforts on getting packages that abuse
> debconf in such a way fixed instead of complicating matters.

if you think that standard methods of working with unix tools - i.e.
piping data from stdout to stdin - is "complicating matters" then you
have NO BUSINESS AT ALL being involved in any discussion on design or
implementation of a unix configuration and administration tool. you
have disqualified yourself by displaying a profound ignorance of unix

> Hell that's not debconf thats broken packages!! When will you begin to
> fix your problem instead of working around it in obscure ways?!

debconf IS part of the problem.

what i am trying to do is get it fixed so that it is no longer part of
the problem.

what the fuck is the matter with you? why are you so overwrought and
sensitive about a program that isn't even yours that you have to defend
its honour against a criticism you don't even understand.

you don't understand the issue, even after repeated attempts to explain
it to you. a thread is started on debian-devel pointing out that a very
useful feature is broken or missing, and that lack is causing problems.
instead of trying to understand you focus your efforts on "proving" that
the feature isn't missing and isn't needed simply because you have no
idea how the unix small-tools approach works.

i have wasted enough time on you.  no more.


craig sanders <cas@taz.net.au>

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