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Re: ITP: lpr by GNU

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 11:32:59AM +0100, A Mennucc1 wrote:
> and I must say that I hate when people in the OpenSource community
> duplicate the efforts (think KDE <-> GNOME)

Then it's probably for the best that Linus didn't feel that way when
he saw FreeBSD :) Not to get into a huge discussion, but the
duplication of effort isn't a big thing, because we're not dealing
with a finite resource in the convential sense. People will work on
what they want to. The GNOME people didn't feel inclined to contribute
to KDE, and I'm happy they didn't because I generally prefer GNOME,
and GTK+ apps. Likely, these people didn't like the other versions of
print drivers, so they did there own. At least you can choose now,
freedom of choice, is just as important as freedom of speech, and I
think it's grossly underestimated.

> unfortunately, I have just a vague idea of what PDQ is , and I dont know
> CUPS; I am reading http://www.linuxprinting.org/howto/spoolers.html
> to find out
> if you can work on some of that, we will coordinate the efforts
> and maybe a joint working inside Debian will benefit the outside
> community as well
> > Perhaps we should have a
> > printing-policy?
> I have been a mantainer for just 9 days, I have never packaged anything,
> I dont think that I can yet write a policy.... :-) 
> > I just wrote a simple filter to get lpd-o-matic to work with lprng without
> > the ugly mfomatic/magicfilter hack. So if there was a foomatic package
> > with the printer database and the print filters from linuxprinting.org, it
> > could be used with the existing lprng and cups packages.
> > However, just as the omni driver, foomatic needs a patched
> > ghostscript. Would the gs maintainer provide that?
> wonderful... but I didnt understand anything :->
> I have to find out what lpd-o-matic is
> (actually, I found an lpdomatic in http://www.linuxprinting.org/foomatic.html
> and I hope it is the same thing)
> I'll be back (but dont hold your breath)
> > If nobody wants to package foomatic I could that myself but I must tell
> > you I'm not a maintainer yet, just a poor little applicant in the NM
> > queue.
> I can sponsor the upload of your packages in the meantime
> a.
> -- 
> A Mennucc
>  "È un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Renato Carotone)
> -- 
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