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Re: quitting from install scripts

On Fri 23 Feb 2001, Drew Parsons wrote:

> > Having a choice of Yes/No is clear, but it seemed to me it might be
> > appropriate to provide a third alternative, "Quit", which aborts the upgrade
> > of mirrormagic.

Why would a user not want to upgrade? He should have put the package on
hold if he doesn't want it upgraded.

> > What is the usual approach to handling the aborting of a package
> > installation?  Is it appropriate to "exit 1" in preinst if the user chooses
> > "Quit", halting the installation of the package?
> > 
> > Or is this simply a Bad Idea, and the user should be expected to use Ctrl-C
> > if he really wants to quit the installation?

Both will cause the package to be "broken", and dpkg will keep trying to
configure it.  It simply doesn't make any sense.

Paul Slootman
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