Re: FHS compliance and UNIX sockets
>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <> writes:
Joey> Amen. per-user tmpdirs are the way to go. It would be great
Joey> if debian could somehow support them by default.
It is relatively easy to put something like this in one of your
shell script files:
if [[ -d "/tmp/$USERNAME" && ! -h "/tmp/$USERNAME" && -O "/tmp/$USERNAME" ]]
export TMP=/tmp/$USERNAME
export TMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR="$TMP"
export TEMP="$TMP"
export TMPPREFIX="$TMP/zsh"
Only I don't really like having to fall back to /tmp, if
/tmp/$USERNAME is wrong...
Also some programs don't use this, eg sawfish & ssh, (probably because
this shell script doesn't get executed by the gdm login process), and
Kerberos (it uses the KRB5CCNAME environment variable).
Now this file makes me feel nervous:
>ls -l /tmp/
-rw-rw--w- 1 www-data www-data 311626 Jan 24 23:09 /tmp/
Looks like an attachment to a private E-Mail that imp saved... Group
readable by www-data? World writable?
Brian May <>
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