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Re: Offline sync rool a la rsync ?

>>>>> "John" == John Ello <jello@waste.org> writes:

    >> Does something like this already exist ?
    John>  Diff?

I don't think that is quite what he had in mind.

diff needs both files to work, but in this example, you
only have a file list to work on.

to the original poster:

I don't think such a system actually exists. I am not even sure
it is possible to have a 100% reliable system either, as there
are certain cases which may cause problems, eg:

1. what if you forget and edit the same file on both computers?

2 how is the system to know if a file is to be created on computer B
and not deleted on computer A?

However, if your sure that you will never mess up the protocol (an
easy way to do this would be to ensure files are only ever edited on
one repository), something should be possible...

If it weren't for the off-line requirement, I would suggest CVS, but I
guess that won't work here.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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