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Raid support in debian.


I'm working on a project (at work) to make debian support raid in a
smooth and good way. We have made some hacked boot disks so that
you can fix things before you start the actual install. But this is
probably not the best solution.

So I will probably change the boot disks to support this, but first
I want to know if there are somebudy else that are working on this
already, and maybe have fixed disks. That would be great!

If not how about this setup?

* Before partitioning ask if you want to enable raid. (possibly only ask
  if there are just one hard disk)

* Then let the user paritionate the first raid disk (tell the user to
  use the special raid partition type in the dialog above).

* After that ask on which disk(s) this setup should be duplicate.

* Copy over the tables to these disks.

* Create a raid table.

* And this should be it (other needs will probably be fixed) :)

Do I miss some things here? Is there any case with raid support
that this simple mirroring fix?

Is this interesing for the ordinary boot disks?
How far have the packaging gone for woody? (we will use potato but
this is a question for the future :)

Is there any good documentation on how to change the boot floppies
and how to fix such things? Yes I'm reading the scripts right now
and they are quite self explanatory, but maybe someone have written
documentation. :)

// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Björnkärrsgatan 5 A.11   \
|  opal@lysator.liu.se                 584 36 LINKÖPING         |
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