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Re: libglide2: debconf didn't ask question even for failed answer

Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> writes:
>     Joey> Yes, you're right. What's happening is that debconf will not
>     Joey> re-ask a question unless you specifically tell it to do
>     Joey> so. This is generally a good thing, in this case it is
>     Joey> obviously not right. libglide2 could fix this by, after
>     Joey> asking the question and before bombing out, resetting the
>     Joey> question's seen flag to false. Thus, the next time it is
>     Joey> run, the question would be asked again.
> Just don't reset this flag in the *.config file.

Note that I specifically said it should reset the flag *just before*
bombing out.

see shy jo

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