Re: [OT] Word-of-the-Day: Debian (fwd)
[Toni Mueller - Fri, 15 Dec 2000 05:11:27 AM CST]
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 09:17:46AM +0100, Peter Makholm wrote:
> > Just stealing Debian reputation just like everybody else and apt (our
> > real killer) was allready taken.
> well, such is the very nature of GPL - good things tend to spread.
> Do you want to withhold apt from the rest of the world?
And the other thing is that I can't imagine apt and a lot of rpmfind rpms
getting together all that well. rpm-based distributions aren't going to
suddenly have near 4,000 (well. In stable. it's, what, 6,000 nearly
in woody?) packages that you can trust. rpmfind rpms tend to plonk
things into just about every place I can think of, among other things.
I could see you having a sources.list that was many lines long to get rpms
from individual people who make them, but they might not want to make
the effort. And who at a commercial distro is going to package sml-nj,
or hugs, or ocaml, etc, which is rather important to us language freaks
but the rest of the world could care less about?
> Perhaps being mentioned in a fair way (I didn't read that
> article) is the best we can hope for.
I think we've got more than that going for us. ^.^
An Thi-Nguyen Le
|Hildebrant's Principle:
| If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.
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