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Re: lvm - I'll maintain it. - ITP lvm24

On 2000-12-13 00:03, Bruce Stephens wrote:
>Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> writes:
>> The lvm package in woody does not work on the latest kernels.  There
>> is a 230 day old bug report about this.
>> I believe that no-one uses this feature on old kernels so this makes
>> the package unusable.
>I do!  I'm running a 2.2.18pre something kernel with the patch in
>> I want to package the latest version and create a set of boot floppy
>> images that include support for it.
>How about packaging both versions?  Is there precedent for that kind
>of thing.  I guess Emacs is one---there's an emacs19 and an emacs20.
>How about doing the same sort of thing with the lvm utilities?
>Alternatively, if there is one, provide a suitable kernel patch for
>the latest protocol---I think the disk format is the same, so that
>would also be workable.

OK.  I'll create a new package named lvm24 which conflicts with lvm and 
provides lvm.

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