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Re: Odd 4 (figure four) - appears almost like two colons

On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 11:30:16PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> I've developed an oddity - any time I see a 4 on screen the middle part
> is blanked out on the console so it appears more like a colon ????????

> thanks for any input on the 4 problem - I (obviously) can't tell what the
> readers of this email will see for 4 !!

By any chance are you using XFree86 4.0? If so, this is a known bug I've
seen on my Voodoo5, and Branden's seen on a G200 (I believe). What happens
is that, for some reason, the console gets corrupted - but only for
certain characters. It's random and unpredictable - for example, right now
(and recently, really) there are no corrupted characters on my console
Sometimes, switching to X and back again will fix it; other times, a
reboot is necessary.
However, regardless of what you see, the actual character is being represented
(poorly), so when you write '4', that's what's actually input.

If anyone else has insight on this, please write...

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