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Re: Our Most Precious Resource: Programmer Time (was Re: long term goals)

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 01:50:25PM -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) wrote:
> I'm just going against the idea "do not write in C! it takes a long
> time!"... Just because of the last phrase in the above paragraph...
> I've got to have quality, and if a program needs to be written in C
> (or it would be better if it was to..) one should not avoid this 
> to make it easier...

it isn't a program, it's an install script. therein lies the difference. C
is not required for "speed reasons", nor is it required for cleanliness.

it works as it is, and quite frankly, the scripts are not the bottleneck.
dpkg is (as mentioned earlier).


When you are having a bad day, and it seems like everybody is trying to piss
you off, remember that it takes 42 muscles to produce a frown, but only 4
muscles to work the trigger of a good sniper rifle.

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