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Re: long term goals of debian membership

>>"Glenn" == Glenn McGrath <bug1@optushome.com.au> writes:

 Glenn> Ideally how many debian developers should there be ?
        Hard to say definitively.

 Glenn> More people than packages

	Which is not necesarily a good thing. Already we are at a
 point where the sheer volume of packages are intimidating to
 people. More packages means we need to invent a better means of
 managing package management on all our target systems, better means
 of solution discovery, and a means of distinguishing between the 900
 packages that all play CD's. 

 Glenn> Will more workers result in a higher quality distribution ?
 Glenn> Yes. (as long as they all follow policy)

	Rubbish. Firstly, quality counts. Secondly, throwing more warm
 bodies at a problem may make the solution unwieldy, take longer, and
 result in a shoddier product.

	I strongly advice you to read "The Mythical Man Month".

	There is a cost associated with managing larger groups of
 people, and co-ordinating them into an effective team. As the group
 grows, more effort has to be expended in bureaucratic tasks. 

 If I promised you the moon and the stars, would you believe it? Alan
 Parsons Project
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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