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Re: soname

Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tb@becket.net> wrote:

> 1) I think I should be able to install the library as libpt.so.1.1.18,
> and have two symlinks named libpt.so.1 and libpt.so.  There doesn't  
> seem to be any point to making a link named libpt.so.1.1.  Right?

There's absolutely no point in having libpt.so.1.1 or libpt.so.1 since
nothing will refer to them.

> 2) The fact that the SONAME won't have any discernable relation to the
> filename won't matter, because ldconfig will make the right thing
> happen.  Right?

Yes.  Basically you should have three files for a shared library:

1. The actual file bearing the full version number.  This is not used by
   anything but serves the purpose of allowing upgrades to happen smoothly.
2. A link whose name is the soname.  This is used by all programs linked
   against the library.
3. A link called libwhatever.so where whatever is whatever you want people
   to put after the -l.

> 3) What should the shlibs file look like?  The packaging manual

libpt_linux_x86_r 1 pkgname (optional versioned dependency)
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