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Re: DB3 symbol collisions solved...

Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> wrote:
> To avoid this, the standard symbols in the runtime library are weak aliases
> to non-clashing, custom symbols. This means that Debian compiled packages,
> aswell as third party apps, can run without worry of this symbol
> collision.

> In the meantime, the linkable (libdb.so) library in the libdb3-dev package
> is not a symlink to the runtime library, but the actual standard library,

If I understood this correctly, this means that anything that's compiled
against libdb3-dev and (say) a libsasl7-dev that was linked against
libdb2-dev, will end up just using libdb2.  Is this really OK for all
programs, considering that the soname usually isn't changed unless the ABI
changes as well?
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