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Re: etiquette

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

    Anthony> FWIW: I think having things publically available is a
    Anthony> better default than having things private by default. It
    Anthony> matches the philosophy of o+r permissions on most of the
    Anthony> system. It matches the "information wants to be free"
    Anthony> philosophy which is at least reasonably common. It
    Anthony> arguably promotoes a more community feel to a system if
    Anthony> people can poke around and see what everyone else is up
    Anthony> to. And of course, it doesn't stop people chmod'ing stuff
    Anthony> that they do want private, or admins changing the default
    Anthony> on their system if a "community feel" isn't at all
    Anthony> desirable.

Hmmmm... I always considered it bad etiquette to look at other peoples
files without asking for permission from the owner/creator first...
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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