Debian in magazines, was: Re: [ A big THANK YOU!]
2.11.2000 pisze Henrique M Holschuh (
> On Thu, 02 Nov 2000, Sam Okk wrote:
> > the installation isn't really attractive, so the magazines don't
> > give out debian instead of Mandrake / RH
> One just did that in Brazil :-P
> I guess some magazines look under the hood.
It's really a pleasure to inform you, that there's available a special
issue of Polish magazine called Linux+, with 7 CDs (all official Potato
binary / source and the seventh with some selected newer packages from
woody, XFree4.0.1 and non-free). There are also some interesting texts,
as Polish translation of Social Contract and Debian Constitution, other
basic Debian information, installation guide and short Debian packaging
system info. There's also translation of Debian Manifesto. It's really
a great piece of good work of Piotr Roszatycki and other people.
best regards,
[ Miros/law L Baran, baran-at-knm-org-pl, neg IQ, cert AI ] [ 0101010 is ]
[ BOF2510053411,, alchemy pany ] [ The Answer ]
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