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Re: Bug Tags

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

    Anthony> Actually, "stable" is implied by the state of the
    Anthony> archive, the version of the package a bug is filed
    Anthony> against, and (possibly) the version/s of the package that
    Anthony> fix the bug. It's reasonably feasible to just make the
    Anthony> BTS do all this inferring itself, and not need a separate
    Anthony> release tag at all.

You need to be able to tell if it has been fixed or not, in unstable.

IMHO there are three common questions:

1. user: what bugs exist in version x of package y?

2. user: will upgrading help? if I upgrade, do I need to upgrade to
stable, or unstable to fix the problem?

3. maintainer: what bugs exist in unstable that need fixing?  (note:
by unstable, I mean the latest unstable, and you shouldn't have to
reset all woody tags when woody is released)

I think a better way to solve this would be an extra field, eg:

open-for-versions: >=1.6-4, <<1.6-6
fixed-for-versions: >=1.6-4.potato.0, <=1.6-4.potato.9

which might come about as follows:
1. package 1.6-4 released in potato.
2. potato released.
3. new version (1.6-5) released for woody.
4. security bug found, bug opened, with "open-for-versions: >= 1.6-4".
5. new package 1.6-4.potato.1 uploaded to potato, and 1.6-6 uploaded
   to woody.
6. when package is uploaded, sufficient information is extracted
   from the package to automatically close the bug, as shown above.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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