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Re: Uploaded grub 0.5.96 (source i386) to master

[Bug-grub added to the list.  This is a Debian integration problem,
though, so I'll take care of it.]

>>>>> Thomas Bushnell, BSG writes:

 TB> Perhaps the problem is updating the following line, which doesn't
 TB> happen automatically:

 TB> kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15

The correct solution to this is to make a symlink to the kernel you
want to boot, then use the symlink in the menu.lst (which Joseph
alluded to).  I don't think any other kind of hackery is necessary.

So, it is up to the make-kpkg folks to deal with this aspect of the
problem.  It would be nice to generate a default menu.lst, but that
really only can be done by the user (due to the countless ways a fully
automatic installation can screw up your system).  If this gets better
in the future, I'll support it in the GRUB Debian package.

At the very least I can add some documentation to GRUB's README.Debian
to point out how it should be done.

 Gordon Matzigkeit <gord@fig.org>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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