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wasted disk space


I found that of my 2GB root filesystem more than 10% is wasted because it has
been formatted by the potato installer with a 4K block size instead of 1K.
In other words if the same files are stored on a filesystem with 1K-blocks I
have other 200MB available.

This is the test I have done:

# mke2fs -i 8192 -b 1024 /dev/sdc2 `fdisk -s /dev/sdc1`
# mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt
# (cd /var/mnt/root && tar -cf -) | (cd /mnt && tar -xvf -)

# dumpe2fs /dev/sdc1 | grep size
dumpe2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Block size:               4096
Fragment size:            4096
Inode size:               128

# dumpe2fs /dev/sdc2 | grep size
dumpe2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Block size:               1024
Fragment size:            1024
Inode size:               128

# df /dev/sdc1
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1              2063708   1811272    147604  92% /var/mnt/root

# df /dev/sdc2
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc2              2063265   1583476    374957  81% /mnt

As you can see the wasted space is 374957-147604 = 227353 = 222MB.
The difference can be easily explained if we do some calculation on the
actual size in blocks of each file:

# find . -type f -exec ls -la {} \; | ~/test.awk
      SIZE     4K-SIZE     1K-SIZE        DIFF  FILENAME
     24536       24576       24576           0  lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep
     13196       16384       13312        3072  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/ide-floppy.o
     70060       73728       70656        3072  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/DAC960.o
     27372       28672       27648        1024  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/ide-tape.o
     23716       24576       24576           0  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/cpqarray.o
     21696       24576       22528        2048  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/xd.o
      2636        4096        3072        1024  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/linear.o
      3640        4096        4096           0  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/raid0.o
     10200       12288       10240        2048  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/raid1.o
     19600       20480       20480           0  lib/modules/2.2.17/block/raid5.o
     13299       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/rpc.bynumber
     28672       28672       28672           0  var/yp/dz-net/services.byname
     18392       20480       18432        2048  var/yp/dz-net/netid.byname
     12935       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/protocols.bynumber
     12396       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/netgroup
     12403       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/netgroup.byhost
     12403       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/netgroup.byuser
     12434       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/networks.byaddr
     12431       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/networks.byname
     12737       16384       13312        3072  var/yp/dz-net/printcap
1538356570  1811968000  1597841408   214126592  104735 files, avg.diff 2044

As you can see the average difference is about 2K that multiplied by 104000
files gives the 200MB of wasted space. Other space is probably wasted by the
bigger indirect blocks of a 4K-blocks ext2fs.

I wonder why the root filesystem has been formatted with this inefficient
block size, given the fact that it contains a lot of small files.
In my opinion the 4K block size should be used only for large filestems or
filesystems that are used for database or ftp servers.

Any comment?

Massimo Dal Zotto

|  Massimo Dal Zotto               email: dz@cs.unitn.it               |
|  Via Marconi, 141                phone: ++39-0461534251              |
|  38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)      www: http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/  |
|  Italy                             pgp: see my www home page         |

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