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Re: Bug addressing

>>>>> "Robbe" == Robert Bihlmeyer <robbe@orcus.priv.at> writes:

    Robbe> I think the single field should be enough for the
    Robbe> foreseeable future.  But is it really correct to call
    Robbe> "bugzilla:http://mozilla.org/quality/help/bug-form.html"; an
    Robbe> URL - I don't know.

No, the way I see it, bugzilla would be the protocol, not http.

ie you would could have


so anything using the "bugzilla" protocol would automatically know
that bugzilla is layered above the "http" protocol (eg similarly to
how http runs over TCP and IP - you don't need to specify those
protocols in the URL either).

Might get a bit messy though if bugzilla supports multiple transport
layers, eg:


I can't shake of the feeling that it seems to be rather un-scalable
hard-coding this information on every computer, either. I am not going
to argue this point though. Also, the idea that every bug reporting
program will soon have to support every bug reporting protocol gives
me the shudders to think about.

Wouldn't it be so much easier if we could all standardise on the one
bug reporting protocol (perhaps XML based) that was generic enough to
work for any application... ;-).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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