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traceroute vs. traceroute6

Hi all!

I discovered some inconsistency in potato/woody filesystem.
There is /usr/sbin/traceroute from traceroute or traceroute-nanog
packages and /usr/bin/traceroute6 from netbase. Since traceroute
and traceroute6 does the same thing, one of them is in a wrong
directory. But which?
Is traceroute a tool for a normal system user or for administators only?
As a normal user I very often use traceroute and I'd like to see it in 
/usr/bin. But I know that on most unices  traceroute is considered to be 
an admistrative tool and is in /usr/sbin directory. So traceroute6
probably shoud be moved to /usr/sbin too.

And similar probelm: where should be located tracepath and tracepath6? 
In /usr/bin, where they are now or in /usr/sbin?


Robert Luberda

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