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Re: sensible-x-terminal and x-terminal-emulator

On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 08:07:11AM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> Well, to request sensible-x-terminal-emulator does not mean
> furious forking of terminal emulators, IMHO.

No, but the latter is encouraged by the former.

> Also I think to request sensible-x-terminal-emulator does not mean
> to prevent any efforts towards making the standard implementation 
> of a terminal emulator.
> The request of sensible-x-terminal-emulator might be the result of
> variety of terminal emulators but definitely not the cause of forking 
> of terminal emulators.

I think it is a feedback loop.

> Furthermore I do not think even if there is one terminal emulator, 
> xterm for example, which can handle every kind of multi-byte characters 
> well enough it become the unique terminal emulator in Debian.  
> There should be people who wants more small and light terminal emulator
> and so on.

That issue is utterly orthogonal.  This "sensible-x-terminal-emulator" idea
is being forwarded due to the lack of a standard X terminal that handles
most locales well.  If more than one terminal emulator did so, there would
be no need for "sensible-x-terminal-emulator" at all, since we could use
the alternatives mechanism to score such programs more highly than their
stripped down or locale-specific counterparts.

I still wonder if this issue can't be better resolved by promoting the
alternatives priority of locale-specific xterm-type-programs like hanterm
and then including them in a task package corresponding to that locale.

Thus hanterm might have priority 50 while xterm has only priority 20.  But
hanterm would be depended upon by, for instance, task-chinese-t[1], which
Americans and Europeans likely would not install.

[1] I don't know if this specific example is correct.  To the beast of my
limited knowledge, Han is the Chinese character set, Hangul is Korean, and
Japan has at least three: Hirigana, Katakana, and Kanji.  I have no idea
what the Vietnamese character set is called.

G. Branden Robinson            |    It's not a matter of alienating authors.
Debian GNU/Linux               |    They have every right to license their
branden@deadbeast.net          |    software however we like.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |    -- Craig Sanders, in debian-devel

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