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Re: new fields in debian/control

On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 10:17:55AM -0400, Itai Zukerman wrote:
> > > * Origin
> > >   This lists the origin of a package. For all Debian packages this should
> > >   be `Debian'. 
> Will the package building tools be patched to only allow Debian
> packages to depend on Debian packages?  That is, to issue a warning 
>  * if you attempt to build A as Origin: Debian, and
>  * if A depends on (recommends, suggests) B, and
>  * if the B on your system doesn't have Origin: Debian?

What if you have:

	A Origin: Corel Bugs-To: bugs.corel.c
	B Origin: Debian Bugs-To: bugs.d.o
	C Origin: HelixCode Bugs-To: bugs.helix.c

and you have a bug in A, that's caused by a subtle problem in B which
makes it not work with C? Suppose A is get-it-gtk, B is libapt, and C is
some spiffy new gnome libraries. A depends: B, C. Should the bug go to
Corel? They're program is completely okay, and you're using debs from
an external source, why should they care? Should it go to Debian? It's
their fault (hypothetically), so it eventually has to go there, but they
can't reproduce it twice over.

Really, why should *any* of them want to go out of their way to fix your
problems? You're not running a system they really can support.

If you have:

	A Origin: Debian
	B Origin: Corel
	A Depends: B

	A Origin: Corel
	B Origin: Debian
	A Depends: B

with a subtle bug in B in both cases causing the problem in A, where
should the bugs go? I think they should go to Corel in both cases: at
least Corel have a chance of duplicating it, and if they do and find
it's a Debian issue, they can forward it upstream, just as we forward
bugs in programs themselves upstream right now.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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