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On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 12:35:03PM -0700, Ossama Othman wrote:
> Despite Helix's work, I'm still actively maintaining my gnome related
> packages.  I don't think we should allow our packages to stagnate just
> because Helix will be taking over the packages.  Since Helix hasn't
> taken over yet, I feel a certain responsibility to ensure that my
> packages are in "proper" working order.  Helix can even use whatever
> updates we make to our packages to ensure that the migration from the
> current gnome packages to the Helix gnome packages is as smooth as
> possible.

I appreciate this - I'm actively merging the changes from the Debian
ones, and any fixes that are done on that end are helpful for me.

> BTW, how different are the Helix gnome packages from the native debian
> ones?  Is Helix actively tracking our gnome related bug reports and
> fixes?

Generally speaking, they are more up to date. I've been tracking new
versions of things fairly aggressively. I have quite a few fixes for
Debian policy violations that I haven't had a chance to push to the
Debian maintainers.

I'm not tracking the Debian BTS as well as I should be. Most of the
fixes I make to our packages are for bugs that have been reported in
our system. This is mostly because I've been working on our build
system, and I don't get constant mailings about the bugs in the Debian
BTS. That will change as soon as I upload packages to the main


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