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Re: Bertrand Meyer challenges some open-source assumptions.


Don't want to make it a religious debate (at least not over the point it
already is :) but ...

Ship's Log, Lt. Joseph Carter, Stardate 300500.0533:

> As I said, I see no reason to distance him from free software.  It's
> really the case that free software people have already made it clear that
> Eric's purpose here isn't the same as ours.

Yet still, we are asked to give a statement.
The same is true btw. for the situation of Christians in the US. It seems that
the group of strong beliveing christians and gun activists have a fritening
large amount of ppl being in both.
Now this seem to me as a typical American thing, however, I am accused for
there failure in seeing the true evil in this.

Alexander N. Benner - Nikodemus@innocent.com - Nikodemus@IRCnet #Ixthys
Um Recursion zu verstehen muss man sie entweder schon verstehen
oder Jemanden kennen der sie versteht.

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