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Re: URGENT: Please evaluate this easy fix enabling wxgtk2.1 to build!

Jim Lynch wrote:
> This should likely go upstream. This patch does not change API at all.


> PLEASE try to build this IMMEDIATELY!! It's very small and should be easy!
> Maybe we can get it into the second test phase if it can be verified.

..and then some finger pointing stuff.

Hey Jim, Chill dude!  There are a lot more bugs (serious ones even) than
that in that release of wxWin.  This was fixed upstream months ago, and
isn't so much the fault of wxWin as it was gratuitous changes to G* types
in gtk.

As I said earlier, nothing in potato depends on it, and in MNSHO (as someone
also working on wxWin upstream) it should simply be yanked from potato if
it won't build with the gtk packages there.  I'll be uploading 2.2 packages
to woody as soon as it is ready for release which fixes this and *many*
more serious issues.

Your 'fix' is simplistic and wrong anyway, since it breaks the code for
gtk < 1.2.7


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