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Re: Splitting isdnutils & co. into non-X and X parts


On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 11:53:22AM +0200, Paul Slootman wrote:
> Tentative splitup idea:
> - base:                 hisaxctrl, isdnctrl, iprofd, imon*
> - ipppd:                ipppd, ipppstats
> - X monitoring:         xmonisdn, xisdnload
> - isdnlog:              isdnlog, isdnrep, + the data files
> - vbox:                 answering machine stuff
> - active card support:  icnctrl, pcbitctrl, avmcapictrl, + firmware
> Other suggestions (for content and package names!) on an email postcard
> please.

That's all very useful.  Just one entreaty:

Split up vbox into the part that is normally on a machine
w/ ISDN hardware (vboxgetty, vboxd, ...) and what is on a
client machine w/o ISDN hardware (/usr/bin/vbox, ...).  So
one can have the vbox client on a terminal w/o depending on
tcl (2.5 MB) or on ISDN hardware.  OTOH, vbox would be
relatively small, so vbox-isdn may depend on vbox or not.

vbox-isdn - ISDN answering machine
vbox      - remote capable answering machine access program

W. Borgert <debacle@debian.org>

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