On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 09:04:32PM +0200, Hartmut Koptein wrote: > > Why better QM? > 1 year cycle: 1000 or all packages must be checked > 3-4 months : 100 (+/-) must be checked One year is three or four, 4/3 month cycles, which makes 300/400 packages changed, not 1000, unless part of your thesis is that this'll slow down Debian's development by a factor of two or three. Further, this just doesn't hold up. Some packages change frequently, and others don't, so of the "100" that change in one three month cycle, a good proportion of those will be the ones that change in the next three month cycle too. So rather than 100+100+100(+100) you're more likely to end up with something like 100+70+60(+50) (230/280) or something similar. Further, in the four month period since the start of the freeze, we're really talking about 721 source level differences in main between potato and woody, of which 527 seem to be new upstream versions. And this is even during a freeze. [0] Oh, random food for thought: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/who/rob/utah2000.ps Cheers, aj [0] zcat potato/main/source/Sources.gz | awk '/^Package: / {P = $2} /^Version: / {if (P != "") print P, $2; P = ""}' | sort >potato.srcver zcat woody/main/source/Sources.gz | awk '/^Package: / {P = $2} /^Version: / {if (P != "") print P, $2; P = ""}' | sort >woody.srcver diff potato.srcver woody.srcver | grep '^>' | wc # 721 2163 14196 zcat woody/main/source/Sources.gz | awk '/^Package: / {P = $2} /^Version: / {if (P != "") print P, $2; P = ""}' | sed 's/-[^- ]*$//' | sort >woody.srcver zcat potato/main/source/Sources.gz | awk '/^Package: / {P = $2} /^Version: / {if (P != "") print P, $2; P = ""}' | sed 's/-[^- ]*$//' | sort >potato.srcver diff potato.srcver woody.srcver | grep '^>' | wc # 527 1581 9305 -- Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/> I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG encrypted mail preferred. ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and working code.'' -- Dave Clark
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