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RE: potato late, goals for woody (IMHO)

Brent Fulgham writes:

> We are secure, and upgrade-capable.  I never found much to
> complain about with the installation, but many people seem to
> find it difficult so I must concede that it is. 

I don't think it's hard either. But it seems to me that it's hard for
people who know nothing or very little about computer hardware or

> Sure, we could Wizardify things,
> but it might cause more trouble than it's worth....

Probably much more trouble.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # Ari Makela, hauva@iki.fi, http://www.iki.fi/hauva/
use strict;my $s='I am just a poor bear with a startling lack of brain.';my $t=
crypt($s,substr($s,0,2));$t=~y#IEK65c4qx AR#J o srtahuet#;$t=~s/hot/not/;my
@v=split(//,$t);push(@v,split(//,reverse('rekcah lreP')));foreach(@v){print;}

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