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Re: Uninstallable packages

* Paul Slootman (paul@wau.mis.ah.nl) [000405 11:03]:
> > Stats for woody [2] are:
> > 
> >     * i386:94
> >     * powerpc:155
> >     * sparc:272
> >     * m68k:278
> >     * alpha:3202  (somewhat biassed by the fact that libc6 isn't available)
> Alpha has used libc6.1 for a long time. Suddenly all the packages depend
> on libc6 and not libc6.1?  Or do you in fact mean that libc6.1 is not in
> woody...

There is neither libc6 nor libc6.1.

But this is not the only missing package. There is a huge amount of
other important packages that are also missing from woody/alpha.
I think there should soon be done something to fix this.


The following is a list taken straight from dselect:

EIOM Pri Section  Package      Inst.ver    Avail.ver   Description
          Obsolete/local Required packages      
            Obsolete/local Required packages in section base        
 *** Req base     dpkg         1.6.9       <none>
 *** Req base     grep         2.4-2       <none>
 *** Req base     libc6.1      2.1.3-5     <none>
 *** Req base     libreadlineg 2.1-19      <none>
          Obsolete/local Important packages      
            Obsolete/local Important packages in section admin
 *** Imp admin    at           3.1.8-8     <none>
            Obsolete/local Important packages in section math        
 *** Imp math     bc           1.05a-9     <none>
 *** Imp math     dc           1.05a-9     <none>
          Obsolete/local Standard packages      
            Obsolete/local Standard packages in section admin        
 *** Std admin    locales      2.1.3-5     <none>
            Obsolete/local Standard packages in section devel        
 *** Std devel    libc6.1-dev  2.1.3-5     <none>
            Obsolete/local Standard packages in section net        
 *** Std net      nfs-common   0.1.6-1     <none>
 *** Std net      nfs-kernel-s 0.1.6-1     <none>
 *** Std net      talk         0.10-5      <none>
 *** Std net      talkd        0.10-5      <none>
            Obsolete/local Standard packages in section x11        
 *** Std x11      xlib6g       3.3.6-3     <none>
          Obsolete/local Optional packages      
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section admin        
 *** Opt admin    nscd         2.1.3-5     <none>
 *** Opt admin    sudo         1.6.1-1     <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section base        
 *** Opt base     libnewt0     0.50-5.3    <none>
 *** Opt base     whiptail     0.50-5.3    <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section devel        
 *** Opt devel    cvs          1.10.7-4    <none>
 *** Opt devel    postgresql-d 6.5.3-12    <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section editors
 *** Opt editors  vim          5.6.012-1   <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section interpreters        
 *** Opt interpre python-newt  0.50-5.3    <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section libs        
 *** Opt libs     libpgsql2    6.5.3-12    <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section mail        
 *** Opt mail     nmh          1.0.2-5     <none>
 *** Opt mail     xmh          3.3.6-3     <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section net        
 *** Opt net      ugidd        2.2beta47-4 <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section oldlibs        
 *** Opt oldlibs  libncurses4  4.2-6       <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section sound        
 *** Opt sound    gom          0.29.103-3  <none>
 *** Opt sound    gom-x        0.29.103-3  <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section text        
 *** Opt text     gs           5.10-3.99.s <none>
 *** Opt text     magicfilter  1.2-37      <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section web        
 *** Opt web      imho         0.96.3-1    <none>
            Obsolete/local Optional packages in section x11        
 *** Opt x11      twm          3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xaw3dg       1.3-6.7     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xbase-client 3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xdm          3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xfs          3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xlib6g-dev   3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xlib6g-stati 3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xproxy       3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xserver-comm 3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xsm          3.3.6-3     <none>
 *** Opt x11      xterm        3.3.6-3     <none>
          Obsolete/local Extra packages      
            Obsolete/local Extra packages in section base        
 *** Xtr base     perl-5.004-b 5.004.05-4. <none>
            Obsolete/local Extra packages in section doc        
 *** Xtr doc      manpages-net 19981202-1  <none>
            Obsolete/local Extra packages in section mail        
 *** Xtr mail     sendmail     8.9.3-20    <none>

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