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Re: Ian Jackson, please get me the hell off your blacklist.

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 03:00:35PM +0100, Diana Galletly wrote:
> Yes, sure we could get other addresses that don't use SAUCE, but
> some of them might use DUL or some such, and then Joseph would be
> ranting ...

Well, everything has consequences.

Sysadmins have the right to employ DUL.
People on dynamic IP's have no right to be heard.
People on dynamic IP's might not be heard.
People on dyanmic IP's have the right to refuse mails from DUL-employing
sites, knowing their mails will be rejected.
People who employ DUL have no right to be heard.
People who employ DUL might no be heard.

This applies just as well to SAUCE and "people SAUCE doesn't like."

Sure, everyone has the right to throw away mails from me for any reason
they choose, at any stage of the delivery process.

Just keep in mind, I have the same right.  And I might start employing it.
Who am I to tell you who you can't blacklist?
Who are you to tell me the same?

Furthermore, this Project has no business countenancing any particular SMTP
blacklist policy over any other -- because no one has the right to be heard.

G. Branden Robinson            |    If you wish to strive for peace of soul,
Debian GNU/Linux               |    then believe; if you wish to be a
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |    devotee of truth, then inquire.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |    -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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