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Re: CONFIRM'ing replies only in smartlist for announcement lists

Sam Vilain <sam@hydro.gen.nz> wrote:
> Damnit.  This is a problem with free software, it's just so damned
> efficient that new packages can spring up with a full feature set
> completely replacing the packages that I am used to using.

My friend has that problem, he always writes stuff to solve a problem, tells
me aobut it, and i point out the debian package that already had the solution
in it.

> How about a "shameless-plug:" archive control field, so that when
> people install "majordomo" it says "Say, did you know that the Debian
> project recommends the `smartlist' package for mailing list
> functionality"?  :-)

Yes, debian needs this. I would suggest a bit of a RMS tone to it. So you
install gimp-non-free and it explains about the problems of software patents
and suggests you use .jpeg or .png instead of .gif or .tiff

For non-free software like majordomo, it could suggest a suitable replacement.
It could go slightly further explaining that the reason we dislike majordomo,
is that they will allow no modifcations to their code, not even security

> I suggest we configure smartlist on the debian announce lists so that
> it will confirm the posting of replies to announcement mailing lists.
> And if it can't be configured to do so, a wishlist bug should be
> raised so that it can.

Have a look at smartlist, it is quite cool, a lot of it is done using
procmail, so that anything you can do in procmail. you can do in smartlist. I
would be quite confident in saying that procmail can send e-mails, so this
probably requires no modifcation to smartlist.

> I also had a couple of people ask me some questions in private mail,
> which I will share here because I think they are valid questions:
> > What? You want regulation over education.
> *Any* approach is a form of regulation.  Think back to "The Wall" :).
> The problem at the moment is that people either forget or don't know
> that a list is not for debates.  Sending out a CONFIRM email *just for
> replies* allows the list owner to insert the appropriate education
> material, and give people who happened to not check the Cc: header a
> chance to cancel their email.  It's also a lot more positive to the
> new user than reprimands.
> In short - I'm not suggesting we stop replies from being let in at all
> (ie, a form of censorship), I am suggesting that users should have
> replies bounced back with "Are you sure?" prompts.

Thinking about it, that is cool, espically if it can be set to only send
confirms on replies.

while :;do read x;echo \?;done

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