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X and root [Re: Potato "testing"]


Ship's Log, Lt. Ruud de Rooij, Stardate 200100.1618:
> > HOME=/home/ken xappname
> > 
> > So it can find the Xauthority.
> Actually, it's probably cleaner to simply do
> XAUTHORITY=/home/someone/.Xauthority

or just use sudo which let's these env. untouched.
(which I would suggest anyway as a clearer and more flexibel way to share
different rights)

Alexander N. Benner - Nikodemus@innocent.com - EXODUS 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.
 The Nazis gased 6.000.000 Jews; a fact everyone is aware of and disconcerted.
 But do you know that the Federal Republic of Germany aborted about 10.000.000
babies since 1945, currently 1000 babies are killed in German clinics each day.
   World wide at least 30.000.000 babies are killed annually - 1 per SECOND !

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