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Re: Heimdal, kerberos, openldap and ITP libcyrus-sasl

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

    Ben> If I may, I already have openldap2 package sets. Let me know
    Ben> when you get the sasl library done, and I will do test builds
    Ben> of openldap2 from CVS.  I'de prefer to not make available
    Ben> some packages that are a) not from the actual maintainer (me
    Ben> :) and b) could possibly get installed by some people and
    Ben> cause problems with future versions of the package.

I have copies on libcyrus-sasl7 and libcyrus-sasl-dev (hopefully I got
the names right) on the following archive. Hopefully, it might work
for you. If not, please tell me, and I will put them online elsewhere.

When I understand how the library works, I will upload it to unstable.

copied from message to debian-devel:

I have created a distribution on master, I hope will be used for
Kerberos packages. Currently there are a number of problems which I
still need to fix, but master also seems to be very unreliable lately,
so it is not very easy...

I think packages that have been compiled against heimdal-lib do not
have problems with US export restrictions, am I correct, or should I
move it to non-us.debian.org?

Use the apt/sources.list line:

deb http://master.debian.org/~bam/ frozen main contrib non-free

I have not been able to get this to work, apt reports connection timed
out errors.

Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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