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Re: Size of Debian a Problem? Forget it!

On Tue, 19 October 1999 16:00:41 -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> Bandwidth is more expensive than hardware.  But I suppose that doesn't
> matter to you ...
> Besides, mirrors are DONATING their hardware AND bandwidth.  It's not
> like I'm obligated to you to provide a service.

Just right. All you say.

> Have you any idea what it costs to
> transfer a few gigs a day at high speeds?


Someone else please wake up... you have not enough of an
idea what bandwidth is like and how much it costs.
Especially in Germany. I am working at an ISP and we have
much higher prices but if I tell anyone we are running a
mirror, I would get some gb traffic a day, i am rather sure.

I have to pay for it as it is my private box. Now, some
universities do a mirror, sure. But the attitude of "you
do a full mirror and don't argue" is, sorry, arghful.

I vote for kicking that stuff out of Debian and building
up some apt-usable thingy like data.debian.org. It's too
much for a normal user. Are not many ppl talking about too
many packages anyway? They are right.

A data section is fine, sure. But I rather say we should
create it and drop the stuff bigger than 10 mb.

My opinion.


Tech support is a fine art which, once mastered, virtually ensures
loss of sanity. Joe Thompson <joe@cstone.net>
Alexander Koch - <>< - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

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