mailcap usage
I have a bug report (#47256) against xpdf-i which says that the mime
entry is wrong, and things go wrong in netscape when trying to use it.
The mime entry looks just fine to me. But also, netscape doesn't seem
to be using any entries from /etc/mailcap for me -- looking in the
preferences under Navigator -> Applications, pdf is in there against
the acroread plugin; if I remove acroread, pdf isn't there at all.
Yet /etc/mailcap has pdf entries for acroread, gv and xpdf.
So, should netscape be reading /etc/mailcap on my system?
I'm actually a bit confused about which programs use that file at all;
I guess mutt does. What else? There doesn't seem to be any priorities
specified in that file, so I could end up with any one of those three
pdf viewers. And it's quite easy to end up with 3 pdf viewers, because
I prefer xpdf or acroread for pdf but gv for postscript.
Can anyone tell me if #47256 is actually a real bug? The mime entry
for xpdf-i says
application/pdf; /usr/bin/xpdf %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf; priority=4
Looks fine to me?!
Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.
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