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Re: gpstrans copyright

robbie@scot-mur.demon.co.uk wrote:

> gpstrans is in main, but I think it is non-free. the copyright file is:
>   GPStrans is FreeWare. I'm releasing this source code to the
>   public domain.  You can redistribute it as often as you want
>   as long as you let the original copyright notice in. If you
>   like to do changes to GPStrans, please contact me before so
>   that we can coordinate the work.
>   GPStrans is Copyright 1995 by Carsten tschach
>   (tschach@zedat.fu-berlin.de).  The datum translation-routines
>   are based on the program MacGPS from John F.  Waers
>   (jfwaers@csn.net).
> The auther is obviously confused about freeware, free software, public
> domane etc. here is the top of one of the source files:
> /***************************************************************************
> /*                                                                          
> /* ./gps/dms.c   -   Convert to various position formats                    
> /*                                                                          
> /* This file is part of gpstrans - a program to communicate with garmin gps 
> /* Parts are taken from John F. Waers (jfwaers@csn.net) program MacGPS.     
> /*                                                                          
> /*                                                                          
> /*    Copyright (c) 1995 by Carsten Tschach (tschach@zedat.fu-berlin.de)    
> /*                                                                          
> /* Permission  to use, copy,  modify, and distribute  this software and its 
> /* documentation for non-commercial purpose, is hereby granted without fee, 
> /* providing that the  copyright notice  appear in all copies and that both 
> /* the  copyright notice and  this permission  notice appear in  supporting 
> /* documentation.  I make no representations about  the suitability of this 
> /* software  for any  purpose.  It is  provides "as is" without  express or 
> /* implid warranty.                                                         
> /*                                                                          
> /***************************************************************************
> /
> Maybe the author could be persuaded to change the license. 

Perhaps.  Until then it should be moved to non-free.  I'm not too
sure what package the bug report should be filed against
(gpstrans or ftp.debian.org ?)

Will you do this Rob?
>                                                            I have not
> tried to find out what the license of macgps is.

Seems like a critical point in all this.  I looked it up on the
web and found his web page: http://www.sni.net/~jfwaers/
He says:

  I wrote the original MacGPS program in 1994 as an exercise to
  learn about geodesy and the global positioning system. The
  program is a simple utility program which may be used to transfer
  route, waypoint and track data between Macintosh computers and
  some models of Garmin GPS receivers. I am no longer developing or
  supporting this program, and have released the source code to the
  public domain. The original Macintosh source code is available,
  as well as source files with converted line endings and naming
  conventions for Unix and MS-DOS users.

I downloaded the Unix format source, and while I have not grepped
through for Copyright notices (should I?), the top-level README

  I've read the legalese statements that everyone attaches to
  works like this, but I can never remember what they
  say. Suffice it to say that I am releasing this source code to
  the public domain, and you are free to do with it what you
  like. If you find it of some use and include any of it in an
  application, credits (and perhaps a copy of your program, if
  your feel so inclined) would be appreciated.
  John F. Waers <jfwaers@csn.net>

Seems okay to me, although the gpstrans author could also state
this explicitely.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist          <GalbraithP@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
    6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 

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