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Re: rc?.d policy?

*- On 10 Aug, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote about "Re: rc?.d policy?"
> In article <cistron.E11DwgV-0007Og-00@ppp-x9-36.ecn.purdue.edu>,
> Brian Servis  <servis@purdue.edu> wrote:
>>No Debian has no policy about runlevels, which is pretty strange if
>>you ask me, they rejected a bug against policy on this issue.  Nothing
>>is stopping you from changing your own system around. But be aware that
>>whenever you update any of the packages that use the rc*.d directories
>>that they will re-add the links back in, at least until policy is
> That is not true. You can futz around with the symlinks all you
> want - as long as at least one Sxx or Kxx link is present for the package,
> a re-install or upgrade will _not_ change your configuration. That
> is kind of the point of update-rc.d

[cc'd to debian-devel from debian-user]

But if a user removes the S99xdm link in rc2.d then the next time xdm is
upgraded it will be added again. This issue of the package managment
tools over writing what the system administrator sets has been debated
before, in favor of the system administrator(Recall the /usr/doc/*.gz
issue recently on -devel). This is what I was describing.  Mike, or
anyone else, can you clarify why Debian does not have a destinction
between user runlevels for things like networking, X, etc?


Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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