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Re: Unsupported Debian [was: Re: [New maintainer] Working for De

On 04-Aug-99 Alex Shnitman wrote:

> This is essentially creating a redhat-line rhcn. Which is not a whole
> lot better. And what is it for? Why should we do that, why can't
> people be accepted into the project? It worked in the past, what's
> different now?

This is not a solution for new-maintainer problems, but also finally a place
when people can know if important new deb packages exist. 
An example? Deb packages of Xfree Only debian-devel readers know
ftp.netgod.net. I know a lot of people that leaved Debian for Redhat because
they can't use their AGP graphical hardware. _This_ is a big problem.

Christian Surchi                |  Debian GNU/Linux User
csurchi@mclink.it               |  http://www.debian.org
www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi   |  Linux, the choice of a GNU generation
In the future, you're going to get computers as prizes in breakfast cereals.
You'll throw them out because your house will be littered with them.

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