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Re: Apache seems to depend on nscd

"David" == David Bristel <targon@targonia.com> writes:

David> Of course, if Apache refuses to run because of a module not
David> being present, that should be considered a problem with Apache.
David> It's VERY annoying to have your web server not start because a
David> single module was missing.  If the module isn't there, it
David> should IGNORE the call to that module in my opinion, or spit
David> out a warning and run without the module.

I disagree -- on Debian systems, if an apache module is loaded its
usually because its needed: the configuration file would be invalid
unless it was loaded.  Skipping over conf directives it doesn't
understand would be worse (eg auth modules).

However, the configuration should be edited automatically when you dpkg
--purge a module, so Apache continues to work.  If that didn't work
then its a real Bug.


Re: How does anyone keep up with debian-devel?

    I take a drug which has raised my IQ to 300.  I hire secretaries to 
read messages in each ear simultaneously.  A grant from the NSA allows me
to devote all my time to debian-devel.  This way I can read about 80%.
    Otherwise, I don't think I could do it....

        -- John Lapeyre

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